Category Archives: Obamacare

MONEY WOES: Obamacare premiums will cost $536 per taxpayer household

money-woeThe average 25% Obamacare premium hikes next year are only the tip of an iceberg. Each taxpaying household will bear an average cost of $536 even if they’re not enrolled in Obamacare.

The White House pooh-poohs higher premiums by saying that the insured won’t pay the full amount; subsidies will cover part of it. But subsidies come from tax dollars and from borrowing to increase the national debt.

FOX News reports the additional subsidy cost to taxpayers will rise $8.5-billion next year, on top of the 2016 subsidy costs of $43-billion, raising the annual subsidies to $51.5-billion. The country has about 96-million households that pay federal income taxes, so this averages to $536 per household. Each year. On top of the higher premiums for the insured.

Of course, corporate taxes will cover some of the bill–but those taxes are passed along to consumers via higher prices on goods and services.

Obamacare (mis-named as the Affordable Care Act) is a vast collection of federal red tape, regulations and mandates managed by federal bureaucrats and government-paid agents.

The new premium hikes are a double-whammy: They hit those who have Obamacare coverage AND they hit every taxpayer.

Privacy at-risk on website

Healthcare-dot-gov_risksOnce it met you, it won’t forget you. And you can forget your privacy.

All who shared information with will be remembered forever. That Obamacare website stores information indefinitely about all who visited it, even if they did not buy their insurance through the website.

The data system is called MIDAS–Multidimensional Insurance Data Analytics System. Developing the website cost taxpayers over $2.1-billion, yet it still is not finished.

The practic is like what the Consumer Financial Protection Board does. Both government websites keep a mountain of personal data on millions of Americans. Goodbye, privacy! What will the feds eventually do with it? We have to guess.

And is either site more secure than the files of millions of federal workers, which got hacked through the Office of Personnel Management? Unlikely.

Experts told Congress that the longer the data is kept on government websites, the more likely it will be hacked and and privacy of millions will be breached.

The Associated Press writes up more details:  Government data warehouse stores personal information indefinitely for all users – Red Alert Politics

Too much regulation invites corruption

Jimmy Fallon
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Massive regulation breeds corruption as people and businesses look for shortcuts and loopholes. Politicians use complexity to “interpret” red tape to favor friends, reward donors, and punish enemies.

Obamacare is a prime example. There were 381,517 words in the Affordable Care Act passed by Congress. But by early 2014 the regulations “interpreting” the law surpassed 11,588,500 words.


Regulations kill diversity. Less red tape=more consumer choice

Less red tape, more consumer choiceObamacare dictates conformity–the opposite of diversity. 

Even left-leaning Ben & Jerry’s offers more than 75 flavors of ice cream, so why must all health-care policies be uniform?

We prefer supermarkets with the biggest variety of fruits and vegetables, dozens of flavors of soda, multitudes of salad dressings, pre-sliced lunch meats that are smoked, baked, honey, oven-roasted, cured, mesquite, rotisserie, Black Forest, black pepper, or Cajun-style, in your choice of ham, chicken, turkey, beef, or mystery meat.

Government could “simplify” our lives in other ways. If Obamacare saves us from substandard insurance, wouldn’t “Obamacars” save us from substandard automobiles? And “Obamacurs” would make sure our pet dogs are only the very best breed.

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Obama argues: You forfeit Constitutional rights when you try to make a profit

Burning ConstitutionPresident Obama’s lawyers argue that First Amendment rights are forfeited when people try to make a profit.

They make the argument in their Supreme Court briefs in the Hobby Lobby case, which involves whether Obamacare’s birth control mandate overrides religious concerns.

If the Court adopts the interpretation, Americans could lose not only some religious freedom, but also free speech, free press and more, since all are part of the First Amendment. Breaking new ground, Obama’s appointed solicitor general creates a novel legal argument that constitutional rights are reduced whenever a profit motive is involved.

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Red tape hurts all of us with higher prices, fewer jobs and less freedom.