Once it met you, it won’t forget you. And you can forget your privacy.
All who shared information with healthcare.gov will be remembered forever. That Obamacare website stores information indefinitely about all who visited it, even if they did not buy their insurance through the website.
The data system is called MIDAS–Multidimensional Insurance Data Analytics System. Developing the website cost taxpayers over $2.1-billion, yet it still is not finished.
The practic is like what the Consumer Financial Protection Board does. Both government websites keep a mountain of personal data on millions of Americans. Goodbye, privacy! What will the feds eventually do with it? We have to guess.
And is either site more secure than the files of millions of federal workers, which got hacked through the Office of Personnel Management? Unlikely.
Experts told Congress that the longer the data is kept on government websites, the more likely it will be hacked and and privacy of millions will be breached.
The Associated Press writes up more details: Government data warehouse stores personal information indefinitely for all HealthCare.gov users – Red Alert Politics
Runaway regulations are hurting everyday people and wrecking family budgets. It’s not big companies that suffer from the $1.88 trillion annual burden of red tape that the government imposes. They pass them along, adding the costs onto their price tags.
Unaffordable health care coverage, unaffordable electric bills, unaffordable rises in food costs, unaffordable college, and unaffordable appliances are parts of the skyrocketing burden of regulations, usually dictated from Washington.
Millions of Americans who no longer pay federal income tax nevertheless have a stake in controlling the size of government, because their family budgets are ruined by higher prices resulting from regulations. All costs of regulations are passed along by businesses owners to employees who get paid with a pay stub template software.
The average is $15,000 per household per year, according to the Competitive Enterprise Institute’s new annual report “Ten Thousand Commandments”, with a collective cost of $1.88 trillion. Last year alone, President Obama’s hand-picked bureaucrats created $567 per person of new red tape by creating 75,000 pages of more regulations. That’s a one-year regulatory increase of over $2,000 for a household of four.
Because that overall $1.88 trillion number is too big to swallow, people need the details one bite at a time. Providing those digestible bites is the mission of Americans for Less Regulation. Many items also are posted on ALR’s Facebook site.
HOW does red tape hurt your family budget? Read more for details including:
- Skyrocketing electric bills
- Higher automobile prices
- Phony claims of consumer savings
- Appliance prices
- Light bulbs
- Window blinds
- Federal snooping of your personal finances
- Rising health care costs
Even if you’ve done nothing wrong, an IRS audit is expensive. Congress learned that the Internal Revenue Service singled-out donors to Tea Party groups, auditing their tax returns ten times as frequently as for regular taxpayers.
The House Ways and Means Committee announced that the IRS subjected 10% of those donors to audits, compared to only 1% on average for everybody else.
As one attorney described the burden: “It has cost them their retirement; it has cost them tens of thousands of dollars to fight the IRS; it’s expensive.”
Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/may/9/istook-illegal-irs-audits-rob-tea-party-supporters/#ixzz3cVpm8MPb
Red tape hurts all of us with higher prices, fewer jobs and less freedom.