Category Archives: Economy

Soaking the Rich is a Phony Solution

Eager to keep government big and growing bigger, left-wing politicians and the Establishment Elite spout off about making the rich “pay their fair share.” They pretend it’s a solution, but it’s phony.

Even if we totally confiscated the entire wealth of America’s rich, it would solve nothing–but it would destroy the future of our entire economy.

Honest progressives must admit the truth:

The Daily Wire reports: The combined net worth of some of America’s most prominent billionaires, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Ken Griffin, Mark Cuban, Ray Dalio, and George Soros, adds up to approximately $726 billion according to data compiled by the Bloomberg Billionaires Index. Meanwhile, the annual interest on our national debt is currently at $730.8 billion, dwarfing the sum for previous years.

Politifact confirms: The estimated $5 trillion in wealth of the nation’s billionaires is enough to cover about eight months’ worth of federal spending.out 8 months.

The ONLY remedy that makes sense is to dramatically reduce the size of American government. Anything else leads to national bankruptcy and the ruin of the future of our children.

‘Costliest regulation ever’ pushed by EPA

NAM on EPA and ozone (larger)Claiming it wants to help us breathe better, the EPA chokes our economy.

While 40% of the country has not been able to meet the ozone standards issued in 2008, the EPA wants to go farther and faster. The proposal is a limit of 65 parts per billion to replace the current 75 ppb.

Trying to filter such tiny amounts from the air is vastly expensive. The National Association of Manufacturers reports that this would be the single costliest regulation in American history.

The Heritage Foundation’s Daren Bakst and Nicolas Loris write, “Lost jobs and less disposable income are not just economic costs; they can lead to significant health problems, particularly among the poor.”

And about carbon dioxide regulations, they say, “If the EPA is allowed to push through these jobs-crushing regulations, it will, at best, be able to boast a climate benefit of a few hundredths of a degree Celsius abated warming by the turn of the century. Sound like it’s worth it?”

Read more: Attempting to rein in the EPA | TheHill