First Lady kidnaps Easter event to push food regulations

FLOTUS at lunchThe annual White House Easter Egg Roll has been politicized to re-educate children and parents. Sorry, Peter Cottontail; your event has been kidnapped. And apologies to the churches.

The 30,000 guests were told, “In addition to all of the fun, the day’s activities will encourage children to lead healthy, active lives in support of the First Lady’s Let’s Move! Initiative.” In 2013, Michelle Obama proclaimed the event’s purpose was is “to celebrate nutrition and activity” and “learn about making tasty, healthy food.”

Her philosophy? “We can’t just leave it up to the parents.” That’s what the First Lady proclaimed when her husband signed the Healthy and Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010. That act has sparked student protests across the country for changing the school lunch program to promote items that students refuse to eat. And down-sized portions.

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Too much regulation invites corruption

Jimmy Fallon
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Massive regulation breeds corruption as people and businesses look for shortcuts and loopholes. Politicians use complexity to “interpret” red tape to favor friends, reward donors, and punish enemies.

Obamacare is a prime example. There were 381,517 words in the Affordable Care Act passed by Congress. But by early 2014 the regulations “interpreting” the law surpassed 11,588,500 words.


Regulations kill diversity. Less red tape=more consumer choice

Less red tape, more consumer choiceObamacare dictates conformity–the opposite of diversity. 

Even left-leaning Ben & Jerry’s offers more than 75 flavors of ice cream, so why must all health-care policies be uniform?

We prefer supermarkets with the biggest variety of fruits and vegetables, dozens of flavors of soda, multitudes of salad dressings, pre-sliced lunch meats that are smoked, baked, honey, oven-roasted, cured, mesquite, rotisserie, Black Forest, black pepper, or Cajun-style, in your choice of ham, chicken, turkey, beef, or mystery meat.

Government could “simplify” our lives in other ways. If Obamacare saves us from substandard insurance, wouldn’t “Obamacars” save us from substandard automobiles? And “Obamacurs” would make sure our pet dogs are only the very best breed.

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America’s oil & gas red tape enables Russia’s power plays

TIME cover--Russia's oilWhat empowered Russian leader Vladimir Putin to make his power plays in Ukraine and elsewhere? Russia used its oil and gas resources while America restricted ours with self-imposed red tape restrictions.

That revenue paid for Russia’s revitalization, powered its military, and became an economic lever that Putin used to turn energy off and on to bend other nations to his will. Other nations have literally begged the U.S. to export some of our energy to them. 

Without his oil and gas advantages, Putin has to go back to staging wrestling matches with drugged animals. Without our energy red tape, America’s economy and our global power soar.

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FDA’s food police slow down your pizza orders

FDA vs pizza

With 34-million ways to mix-and-match pizza crust, sauce, cheese and toppings, how can you comply with a Food and Drug Administration mandate to list all the nutritional details–especially when you’re trying to deliver the pizza promptly?

It’s another saga in the battle between business and the federal “food police.”

Would consumers really stop and read special labels before ordering a pizza, especially if it’s during the excitement of a big game on TV?

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Obama argues: You forfeit Constitutional rights when you try to make a profit

Burning ConstitutionPresident Obama’s lawyers argue that First Amendment rights are forfeited when people try to make a profit.

They make the argument in their Supreme Court briefs in the Hobby Lobby case, which involves whether Obamacare’s birth control mandate overrides religious concerns.

If the Court adopts the interpretation, Americans could lose not only some religious freedom, but also free speech, free press and more, since all are part of the First Amendment. Breaking new ground, Obama’s appointed solicitor general creates a novel legal argument that constitutional rights are reduced whenever a profit motive is involved.

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Associated Press study says ethanol is bad for the environment

corn and moneyFederal regulators mandate use of ethanol in gasoline for “environmental benefits,” applying what they call a “renewable fuel standard.” That makes corn a much more profitable crop than without the regulation.

But a detailed study by The Associated Press concluded that the rationale is phony. Some of the findings:

  • As farmers rushed to find new places to plant corn, they wiped out millions of acres of conservation land, destroyed habitat and polluted water supplies, an Associated Press investigation found.
  • Five million acres of land set aside for conservation—more than Yellowstone, Everglades and Yosemite National Parks combined—have vanished on Obama’s watch.
  • Landowners filled in wetlands. They plowed into pristine prairies, releasing carbon dioxide that had been locked in the soil.

Source: The secret environmental cost of US ethanol policy

EEOC shifts resources away from civil rights to push same-sex & transgender movements

Rainbow is the new black--archWith support from many African-American leaders, President Obama’s appointees to the EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) are shifting resources–both manpower and budget funds–to enforce new legal rights for the same-sex and transgender movements. Plus to enforce rights claimed by illegal immigrants.

Last weekend’s Lincoln Memorial rally, put together by the Rev. Al Sharpton’s National Action Network, was more rainbow than black. Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. told the crowd, “Our focus has broadened to include the cause of women, of Latinos, of Asian-Americans, of lesbians, of gays, of people with disabilities.”

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It’s real: Red tape shuts down farmers

farm dustFarms and red tape don’t get along very well.

A Missouri farmer explains first-hand how regulations destroy profits and keep kids from learning how to work on the farm.

Then there was EPA’s infamous plan to shut down operations because farm work creates dust.

Yet liberal groups try to claim the problems are imaginary. This farmer knows better and explains.

Read: An Imaginary Dustup? The Incalculable Harm of Regulation

Obama’s Regulatory Reform is Make-Believe

layoff noticeThis is not make-believe: Government regulation is a growth industry, one of very few in America today.

President Obama often claims he is committed to reforming regulations. But the facts tell a different story. His claims belong in Never-Never Land.

Obama’s minions claim their rule changes will “save U.S. businesses billions of dollars in regulatory burdens.” Yet analysis by the Small Business Administration estimated the cost of compliance with federal regulation (as of 2008) to be a staggering $1.75 trillion annually. 

Obama uses endless ploys to deny the facts about his non-imaginary red tape friends.

Due to runaway red tape, companies simply abandon projects that would generate jobs and growth if it weren’t for regulations.

Details from the American Enterprise Institute: Red Tape and Pink Slips: Obama’s Imaginary Regulatory Reform

Red tape hurts all of us with higher prices, fewer jobs and less freedom.