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FDA's food police slow down your pizza orders

FDA's food police slow down your pizza orders

With 34-million ways to mix-and-match pizza crust, sauce, cheese and toppings, how can you comply with a Food and Drug Administration mandate to list all[ more . . .]
Wham! Regulations sock it to consumers

Wham! Regulations sock it to consumers

Consumer prices will increase by more than $11,000  just from 36 of the Obama Administration's regulations, reports the American Action Forum (AAF).It's a wallop[ more . . .]
FEMA overpays hurricane damages by $177-M

FEMA overpays hurricane damages by $177-M

FEMA overspent hurricane reimbursements in Florida in 2004 and 2005 by more than $177 million — and the federal government is liable for another $1[ more . . .]
'Costliest regulation ever' pushed by EPA

'Costliest regulation ever' pushed by EPA

Claiming it wants to help us breathe better, the EPA chokes our economy.While 40% of the country has not been able to meet the ozone standards[ more . . .]
Propaganda secret: How Obama raises electric bills yet claims he lowers them

Propaganda secret: How Obama raises electric bills yet claims he lowers them

In 2013, President Obama was given the “Lie of The Year” award for claiming that Obamacare would allow people to keep their current health insurance. Now[ more . . .]
Too much regulation invites corruption

Too much regulation invites corruption

Watch video belowMassive regulation breeds corruption as people and businesses look for shortcuts and loopholes. Politicians use complexity to "interpret" red[ more . . .]
Federal watchdogs admit $100-billion wasted each year

Federal watchdogs admit $100-billion wasted each year

Our national government admits to wasting at least $100 billion a year, yet nobody gets fired for it. Bureaucrats and Congress don't fix the loopholes;[ more . . .]
Court intervenes; VA bureaucrats must permit prayers

Court intervenes; VA bureaucrats must permit prayers

It took a court order to get the Veterans Administration to end censorship of religion at its national cemeteries.Read more:[ more . . .]
Associated Press study says ethanol is bad for the environment

Associated Press study says ethanol is bad for the environment

Federal regulators mandate use of ethanol in gasoline for "environmental benefits," applying what they call a "renewable fuel standard." That makes corn a much more[ more . . .]
'Dirty Rotten Ethanol Scoundrels' - <i>Wall St. Journal</i>

'Dirty Rotten Ethanol Scoundrels' - Wall St. Journal

A Wall Street Journal editorial notes that the EPA is reducing the amount of ethanol that must be blended into gasoline below the level required[ more . . .]
America's oil & gas red tape enables Russia's power plays

America's oil & gas red tape enables Russia's power plays

What empowered Russian leader Vladimir Putin to make his power plays in Ukraine and elsewhere? Russia used its oil and gas resources while America restricted[ more . . .]
Checked your electric bill? It's skyrocketing!

Checked your electric bill? It's skyrocketing!

It's only just begun. American households are suffering skyrocketing electricity costs thanks to President Barack Obama's agenda. Already the average household pays an extra $120[ more . . .]
It's real: Red tape shuts down farmers

It's real: Red tape shuts down farmers

Farms and red tape don't get along very well.A Missouri farmer explains first-hand how regulations destroy profits and keep kids from learning how to work[ more . . .]
Congress COULD curb Obama on immigration--IF they would

Congress COULD curb Obama on immigration--IF they would

It is not the Constitution that lets President Obama dictate immigration policy. His power comes from authority that Congress has delegated to the executive branch and[ more . . .]
Your electric bill will skyrocket with new energy regulation

Your electric bill will skyrocket with new energy regulation

Reported by Associated Press:Electricity prices are probably on their way up across much of the US as coal-fired plants, the dominant source of cheap power,[ more . . .]
Dishwashers ruined by energy regulations: Prices up $143 but dishes don't get clean

Dishwashers ruined by energy regulations: Prices up $143 but dishes don't get clean

Who wants a dishwasher that doesn't work but costs more than ever? The Department of Energy is completing a second round of regulations dictating the machines[ more . . .]
MONEY WOES: Obamacare premiums will cost $536 per taxpayer household

MONEY WOES: Obamacare premiums will cost $536 per taxpayer household

The average 25% Obamacare premium hikes next year are only the tip of an iceberg. Each taxpaying household will bear an average cost of $536 even if[ more . . .]
More manual labor! Regs raise prices of labor-saving appliances

More manual labor! Regs raise prices of labor-saving appliances

The era of affordable labor-saving devices is threatened by rising appliance costs, caused by federal energy regulations. Washing clothes by hand sounds Third World to Americans,[ more . . .]
Our homicide rate is lowest since 1963

Our homicide rate is lowest since 1963

Some activists want the federal government to take over local policing, supposedly to be more efficient and more respectful of rights. And they push gun[ more . . .]
Watch where you spit! EPA may label it a 'wetland'

Watch where you spit! EPA may label it a 'wetland'

Be careful where you spit. You might create a wetland, as defined by the Environmental Protection Agency. By adopting new loosey-goosey definitions, EPA aims to[ more . . .]
The big picture: Six years of red tape rising under Obama

The big picture: Six years of red tape rising under Obama

Runaway regulations from the executive branch, aided by vast delegations of power issued by Congress--these are the trends that burden Americans, outlined in the 9th[ more . . .]
The FTC -- America's abusive nanny

The FTC -- America's abusive nanny

The FTC -- Federal Trade Commission -- "is showing troubling signs of overaggressive behavior" says a new policy paper from the National Taxpayers Union's Pete[ more . . .]
New red tape: White House quietly projects $110-billion more

New red tape: White House quietly projects $110-billion more

Red tape keeps growing.The White House released its regulatory agenda of new red tape. They did it quietly on the eve of a holiday weekend,[ more . . .]
Regulations kill diversity. Less red tape=more consumer choice

Regulations kill diversity. Less red tape=more consumer choice

Obamacare dictates conformity--the opposite of diversity. Even left-leaning Ben & Jerry’s offers more than 75 flavors of ice cream, so why must all health-care policies be uniform?We[ more . . .]
What difference does the number of regulations make?

What difference does the number of regulations make?

President Obama loves to say that he's issued fewer regulations than George W. Bush did. Obama does that to distract and confuse people because it's both[ more . . .]
IRS singles out Tea Party donors for audits

IRS singles out Tea Party donors for audits

Even if you've done nothing wrong, an IRS audit is expensive. Congress learned that the Internal Revenue Service singled-out donors to Tea Party groups, auditing[ more . . .]
Family budgets wrecked by runaway regulations and red tape

Family budgets wrecked by runaway regulations and red tape

Runaway regulations are hurting everyday people and wrecking family budgets. It’s not big companies that suffer from the $1.88 trillion annual burden of red tape[ more . . .]
Privacy at-risk on website

Privacy at-risk on website

Once it met you, it won't forget you. And you can forget your privacy.All who shared information with will be remembered forever. That Obamacare website[ more . . .]
IRS 'wants to throw us in jail' says Tea Party leader

IRS 'wants to throw us in jail' says Tea Party leader

“They want to throw us in jail,” says Tea Party Patriots leader Jenny Beth Martin about the IRS's targeting of the Tea Party movement.Emails released under court[ more . . .]
No escape! Feds will regulate you on the moon

No escape! Feds will regulate you on the moon

The Federal Aviation Administration intends to “leverage the FAA’s existing launch licensing authority" on the moon, for "ensuring that commercial activities can be conducted on a[ more . . .]
Obama's EPA plan is like a Three Stooges routine

Obama's EPA plan is like a Three Stooges routine

President Obama's latest EPA plans give America only bad choices which all will cause electric bills to skyrocket.While claiming states will have "fexibility" to reduce[ more . . .]
FEC wants to monitor you on the Internet. They call it 'campaign reform' but it's really The Blob!

FEC wants to monitor you on the Internet. They call it 'campaign reform' but it's really The Blob!

Curtailing your speech might stop evildoers, according to the FEC - the Federal Election Commission.The FEC's unstoppable bureaucracy is like The Blob, swallowing everything it[ more . . .]
Obama argues: You forfeit Constitutional rights when you try to make a profit

Obama argues: You forfeit Constitutional rights when you try to make a profit

President Obama's lawyers argue that First Amendment rights are forfeited when people try to make a profit.They make the argument in their Supreme Court briefs[ more . . .]
Doctors spend 2 weeks each year on 'obscene waste' paperwork

Doctors spend 2 weeks each year on 'obscene waste' paperwork

A bombshell study reveals that doctors waste almost two full work weeks each year explaining to regulators how they practice medicine. The time spent on this paperwork robs doctors[ more . . .]
Industry rails against Obama’s dishwasher rules

Industry rails against Obama’s dishwasher rules

Companies that make dishwashers are warning that the Obama administration’s latest efficiency standards for their industry would backfire. The Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers is accusing[ more . . .]
Obama’s Regulatory Reform is Make-Believe

Obama’s Regulatory Reform is Make-Believe

This is not make-believe: Government regulation is a growth industry, one of very few in America today.President Obama often claims he is committed to reforming regulations.[ more . . .]
Fireworks lobby to Obama: Enough of 'insane' rules

Fireworks lobby to Obama: Enough of 'insane' rules

  Julie Heckman, from POLITICO articleThe fireworks industry complains that President Obama's regulators are "completely insane" by forcing so many rules on their[ more . . .]
Obama gives away America's control of the Internet

Obama gives away America's control of the Internet

President Obama is doing for the Internet what he did for health care: making things worse. His slogan should be “Change you can deceive in.”Even[ more . . .]
Regulation adds 40% to San Diego housing prices

Regulation adds 40% to San Diego housing prices

San Diego County's regulations account for 40 percent of the area's high cost of new housing, according to a study by the The Fermanian Business and[ more . . .]
Red tape messes up our 4th of July fireworks

Red tape messes up our 4th of July fireworks

Red tape abounds during our red, white and blue Independence Day celebrations, especially the fireworks displays.Not only do federal regulations govern the import, testing, shipping, sales[ more . . .]
First, free Obamaphones. Now, free Internet. Next???

First, free Obamaphones. Now, free Internet. Next???

America’s welfare state keeps growing because Congress allows bureaucrats to expand programs, immune from accountability to voters.The latest proposal would give free Internet service to[ more . . .]
Army of bureaucrats push Obama agenda behind closed doors

Army of bureaucrats push Obama agenda behind closed doors

While the White House issues insults and misdirections, an army of bureaucrats do the real work of Barack Obama’s presidency, laboring in obscurity and concealing their work.Try to[ more . . .]
EEOC shifts resources away from civil rights to push same-sex & transgender movements

EEOC shifts resources away from civil rights to push same-sex & transgender movements

With support from many African-American leaders, President Obama's appointees to the EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) are shifting resources--both manpower and budget funds--to enforce new[ more . . .]
FDA bans trans fats; you cannot eat what you like

FDA bans trans fats; you cannot eat what you like

Next targets: sugar, sodium, caffeine The mission of the FDA--Food and Drug Administration--is to protect us from unsafe foods. But the agency has re-interpreted its mission as[ more . . .]
Red tape to ban short-term loans for people in need?

Red tape to ban short-term loans for people in need?

(Article released by the Online Lenders Alliance. While critics label it as "predatory lending," the short-term loan industry says they take financial risks to help[ more . . .]
First Lady kidnaps Easter event to push food regulations

First Lady kidnaps Easter event to push food regulations

The annual White House Easter Egg Roll has been politicized to re-educate children and parents. Sorry, Peter Cottontail; your event has been kidnapped. And apologies[ more . . .]
Bureaucracy costs lives as well as dollars

Bureaucracy costs lives as well as dollars

The terrible Veterans Administration scandals demonstrate how bureaucratic indifference can be fatal, as it was with 40 patients who died. Their appointments were among hundreds[ more . . .]
Students complain: 'First Lady messes up our lunches'

Students complain: 'First Lady messes up our lunches'

The food fight over student lunches is personal for First Lady Michelle Obama, and personal for millions of upset school children and their families.She has[ more . . .]

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